Post op Angiogram

So today, my daughters angiogram got cancelled for a 2nd time. Initially due on 19 October, cancelled until 16 November and now new date given 7 December. Just want it to be over and done with for my daughter so we can hopefully look forward to Christmas, depending on angiogram. So frustrated by it and our anxiety is so bad. Not sure whether to see it as good news that they think it’s OK to put her back or bad news that she’s falling through the loop.


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I think it’s a good thing to think of it as an indication of confidence that they are just dotting the is and crossing the ts. However, it is awful to get put off from the closure that you really, really, really really want.

You could make it politely clear that you’re struggling with not having closure: that that is, in fact, important. However, I’m guessing that it is really poorly people needing looking after immediately that is pushing you further down the road. You could set into your mind that they needed help and you were part of them getting that help.

It’s very difficult.

Hoping with you that it doesn’t go backwards again :crossed_fingers:t3:



Hi Millie, Well, it’s definitely not bad news. It’s still frustrating not to know.
If it were me, given my personality, I’d demand a reason for having delayed it. I’m reasonable so if somebody got sick or had a family thing, I totally understand that. But I do want some reason. Best wishes, Greg

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I had a conversation with someone at work today who has an ultrasound. They were upset as they were told next week for the results…I said that is far better than being told to have a seat and someone will be there to speak with them. When they looked at it from that angle it helped.

I do hope it goes ahead as now scheduled, getting it done is way better then waiting! Take Care, John

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Hello, Sarah,

I definitely understand your need to get this done and feel relieved of the anxiety. As others have mentioned, other patients with more acute needs most likely took your daughter’s place both times. Be glad that your daughter is not one of them. If your daughter is experiencing changes in her condition, by all means, bring this to the attention of the doctors. But, with the limited information shared here, it seems she is recovering from surgery as expected and this angiogram is a follow-up?
Wishing you great news in a couple of weeks!

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Hi lifeisgood

Thank you for your encouraging response. The angio is follow up to her craniotomy back in July. Trying to think positive but i am an over thinker and a worrier so finding it quite challenging to say the least.

How are you?.


I understand. I have been a worrier most of my life. I have become a bit more choosy since my AVM rupture and recovery YEARS ago. Most worry doesn’t benefit me! :laughing::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi Millie, I know how nerve wracking it can be to have appts. rescheduled. Like some of the others said, it could be due to so many other factors. I would choose to think if they were really concerned, she would be in there as quickly as possible. I also am a huge worrier but I am working on not going down the negative path that so happens with anxiety. In the past, when this would happen to me, as someone said, I would tell the person the anxiety these schedule changes was causing me and if the person was helpful, they would help. If not, I would ask if there was another location affiliated with the same system that I could have the procedure done. Don’t know if this helps, but just wanted to share what was helpful to me.
