Post Surgery Question

My daughter had an AVM with an aneurysm discovered by a small bleed on Feb 10 this year. After weeks of waiting, she had gamma knife on April 15, 2009. Less than a week after the GKS she had a small stroke -fortunately with no residual effects. Yesterday (May 28) her left arm went numb. She went to the hospital. After a CT scan, she says the doctors there say the AVM has GROWN bigger than it was before the surgery - albeit I don’t know how much bigger. Does anyone know of any reason why it would grow? She has copies of all her records/MRIs and carries them to the hospital whenever she goes. She is having an MRI right now and they have admitted her to the
hospital. What do you think? I forgot to say that when they went to do the GKS, the aneurysm had gone away completely on its own. Why? I do not know. They can’t even figure out why she would have a stroke. She had the GKS in Dallas and was under the care of Dr. Buck Sampson, from what I read the best neurosurgeon in Dallas.

I am so sorry to hear about what is going on with your daughter…My son had a mssive stroke on April 28th due to an avm rupture. He had a craniotomy, the only option for us. We are still in the hospital and he is going through intensive rehab because his stroke paralyzed his right side and took his speech. Our neurosurgeon told us that there are possobilities of regrowth because avms typically can grow. I am praying that all goes well for your daughter.

Dear Kathy and Tilda,

I am so sorry to hear these sad updates on your children! I am praying for both of them to have a full recovery soon.

Love, Connie

I am so sorry to hear this. My only question would be which doctors made this diagnosis? Were they the doctors who originally treated her or doctors at her nearest hospital? I am so leary of doctors who do not have a lot of experience in AVM’s giving any kind of information. Perhaps the MRI will show something different and you will get some questions answered. Please keep us updated and I am thinking of you.

they have concluded that the numbness in her arm is a residual effect of the GKS. They say there is alot of tiny vessels up there and the AVM is causing the numbness. Yes, she was treated by one of the top docs in Dallas. She is 32 years old.

Joy said:

I am so sorry to hear this. My only question would be which doctors made this diagnosis? Were they the doctors who originally treated her or doctors at her nearest hospital? I am so leary of doctors who do not have a lot of experience in AVM’s giving any kind of information. Perhaps the MRI will show something different and you will get some questions answered. Please keep us updated and I am thinking of you.