Ok, so I'm trying to get some clarity. For almost a year now (more so, the past 7 months), I've had what I can only describe as extreme pressure pains in my head. Not to be confused with the dull aching sensation of a headache. It's like an air hose is being shoved into the front of my head and tons of pressure builds up behind my eyes, nose, head. Mostly eyes and head. My eyes get swollen bags underneath, and in varying intervals, the pressure can be extremely intense. I haven't had a migraine or "real" headache in awhile now. No doctors will say for certain that it's attributed to the AVM I found accidently, b/c of these "pretend" headaches. I say pretend, b/c it's not really a headache. It's more like a PITA.
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue and it WAS directly attributed to the AVM itself and not some underlying issue.
Hi Jamie
I felt like I needed to send you a response to this post because you put into words the headaches I have like I have never been able to. And I’ve always been told they were just migraines or normal headaches and then I have to clarify that I not only know the difference between my headaches but this doesn’t really feel like a “normal” headache or migraine! I believe that some of mine are attributed to my AVM because with each procedure they get a little better. Have you had an eye doctor look at your optic nerve and see if there was any swelling? I had significant swelling at one point and that’s actually h how they found my blood clots prior to findinf my AVM. Sorry I can’t be more help but I wanted you to know I felt an instant relief that it’s not just me when I read your post bc I was starting to think I was crazy lol
I've been told my maxillary sinuses are blocked as recently as 2 months ago, so, I'm not certain that's not the issue at hand. My headaches are literally few and far between and I've had 4 migraines since July 2013. The pressure is just aggravating!! I can't seem to reiterate to my doctor how honestly bothersome it is. He just thinks I'm making this stuff up. Not sure how to broach it any other way.
What procedures did you have done to your AVM, Jenn?
Jamie, I have had some pretty bad pain from maxillary sinus blockage (and frontal and ethmoid sinuses, too). After months of being sick, I learned to manage my sinus pain and pressure by using saline at the first sign of trouble and repeating as needed. Saline stings a little initially, especially if there is a sinus infection, but stops hurting after a few days. The product I use is preservative free "Simply Saline" from Arm & Hammer. I have a whole case of it. If your pain is from sinus issues, it should help. If it's from avm, sorry, I can't help with that.
I've tried the netty pot, saline spray, etc. It only temporarily masks the pain but it's always back. I want it gone. I'm thinking sinus surgery then proceed with those steps to avoid having the blockage return. Maybe? I guess at this point, what can it hurt?
I considered sinus surgery, too, but then backed off after reading that it can permanently damage the sinuses. Balloon endoscopy is an alternative, but one I have not taken... yet. One other possibility is to buy local, seasonal honey from a farmer's market in your area and have a tablespoon daily. I was very skeptical about this, but so many friends recommended it that I finally gave it a try, and to me it made a difference. The theory is that the pollens in the raw honey can desensitize you to outdoor allergens.