Radiosurgery at Mass General Hospital - Boston

My 6th and most likely final embolization is August 5th and then I get radiosurgery. How long of a wait is it in between the embolization and radiosurgery stages? What should I expect? It's a grade 4 or 5 large avm in the cerebellum..

For us as I recall, it was 3 or 4 weeks. I think it had as much to do with our ability to travel from KS to CA and schedule of DR as anything.

After embos, the radiation will be a piece of cake.

Best wishes,
Ron, KS

I read your post with the way my Mother grew up in MA and I had no choice but to root for the Red Sox and Celtics as a kid...although I was raised in New Mexico. I have just been diagnossed with an avm in the cerebellum. Did you have neuro type issues before your diagnosis? My AVM was discovered pre rupture in an MRI ordered by and ENT I was seeing for balance issues. This is making he highly suspicious the AVM my be affecting my cerebellar function. All the best with you procedures....hopefully you will get this issue behind you and get moving with your life....bballokie

I didn't have any neuro issues before the diagnosis, that I could tell of. I have ataxia in my right arm and speech dysarhtria now though from the brain edema after my second embollization in Feb so I'd get it taken care of if I were you. I had a glimpse of what a bleed was like in the cerebellum and it was worse than I figured. Putting a finger on my nose and then touching someone else's finger was extremely difficult.

thanks for getting 65 I'm older than you are by dumb okie logic wants to say Ive had this for 65 years and been a college basketbal player, coach and tourney class racquetball player and it hasnt killed me yet....although I can read the charts on age groups and frequency of ruptures. The "steal" affect I read about also makes me suspicious I may have some loss of cerebellar function due to this AVM...once again thanks for the response....and keep on keeping on with your recovery....bballokie

Hi...I don't know why...but I didn't get this message...I had proton beam radiation at MGH. Are you having that on August 5th? If it is...send me back a message and I'll let you know. It is NOT bad at all!

sorry for the veryy late response. Yeah it was proton beam. They put some steel bb's in my scalp and the procedures were easy.