I feel that I am wasting my life.
There are several things I struggle with doing because of my brain injury. I can't drive so that means that there are 101 things I don't do.
I have a volunteer buddy' but she isn't able to do things. I have been told by family that I 'just have to do things on my own' that 'no-one owes me anything' ({eg a nice trip to a beach or the countryside.)
I am seething. I do everything on my own anyway as I live alone. So if something needs doing I do it. I think I am owed a little respite from the stresses of living alone and figuring everything out on my own on a daily basis.
I am thinking of paying some-one, like a personal assistant so that I get a fuller more satisfying life.
Is that so unreasonable?
I have told the person who said the above not to contact me.
I have also recently met a nice man, and have been 'advised' to tell him I have a brain injury! I am lost for words. He would run a mile. I am sick of well meaning people making me feel XXXX