Hi all. I’m back. Papilledema in my right eye remains. And, recently disappointingly was hit with a 12 consecutive day low grade untreatable Migraine behind my left eye. This led to moving ahead with Round 4. Was kinda in a bit of a holding pattern following the 1st 3 rounds due to radiation exposure of those procedures.
Had the embolization yesterday at 10am. Arrived home not too long ago following the overnight stay. Recovery so far going excellent. Began work on the left side. The targeted posterior Occipital area was successful. Can’t say after a sleepless night I was all together for meeting with Dr. this morning. Wouldn’t say the news seemed stellar. Fistula already growing some on right side following all the work that could be done on that side in the first 3 procedures. The untouched left side as he put it was also more prominent. Thought maybe my left ear whooshing may have left but when I got home to quiet place…well…its still there. Boo! Have my follow up in 2 weeks so I will be more clear headed to ask some pointed questions to determine what the future may look like. I know for sure I am staring at another procedure to continue left side work in 6-8 weeks. And, likely another after that just like the right.
I just want to try to get a firm handle on what the long term looks like for which is now a Grade IIb (was Grade IIa+b) incurable fistula. Not sure if its an ongoing glue maintenance program since it cant be shut down & obviously will always seek blood as he says. If so, what is the rate of growth and can I win the race and well…how long is before the fistula outruns the treatment? Hope all is well with those out there fighting the good fight!