Scared! First time seizure

Hello everyone,
My husband just had his first seizure. The doctor said it was a focal motor seizure and it only lasted about 15-30 seconds from the time it began to the time he was able to respond to me. I did call paramedics though and had him rushed to the hospital even though be time they arrived he was talking and conscious. We wanted him to go to make sure the AVM wasn’t bleeding any. Everything did turn out to be ok! My questions are though if anyone has had this type of seizure before and what we should be looking for or expecting? We knew after he had the craniotomy done a year and a half ago now and the gamma knife done about 7 months ago now that this was one if the side effects. I guess he has just been very lucky not to have experienced ANY seizures since the start of all this. Also I was wondering if we should know anything about the new medication he was out Dialatin for his seizures now. Any helpful words would be great! We are still so scared about what happened.

Hi Heather. I did a search for you…
I gather they put your husband on Dilantin now. Dilatin has been around for years. Some members like it…others do not. The good news is that there are lots of different types of anti-seizure meds these days. There is a seizure sub-group on here if your husband does continue to have more episodes.

It is extremely scary to have your first seizure! I'm alergic to Dialatin, so I take Keppra. As long as you take the dose the doctor orders, on time every day, he should be fine. It's been 3 years since my last seizure.

Hi Heather,
Yes, seizures are scary!
I was on Dilantin for many, many years and did ok on it, though as I aged, I somehow couldn't maintain a therapeutic level and was eventually switched to Keppra.
On Dilantin, your husband will have to have routine therapeutic levels drawn.
Also, Dilantin may risk bone loss, so check with his drs. regarding any issues or concerns.