Sharing great news and giving hope

Hi all! Wanted to share a newspaper article written about my son as well as a link to a TV news broadcast done about him( click the play button on the picture to play news broadcast). This site gave me a lot of support 3 years ago when my son’s AVM was discovered. He underwent a craniotomy and subsequent paralysis. He is now fully recovered and a baseball pitcher in college and has been the feature story in the San Diego news. This is bringing awareness of AVM’s. I wish everyone peace and healing! This is a very uplifting story and one of hope and perseverance.


Thoroughly enjoyed reading this and yes it is great news. So nice to get the update, and to have it so positive. He sure has handled life’s curveball with grace! Thanks, Take Care and the best to you and Michael!. John.



Thanks for sharing yours and Michael’s and Jason’s story! The San Diego Union-Tribune story is beautifully told, enough to bring a stranger to tears. Have you ever been back to that hotel to tell the manager how great an outcome you’ve had? It’s the best when people show some discretion like that: reinforces our view of what humanity can be about, I think.

I’m really glad Michael had a great outcome. I’m always worried about the side-effects of surgery; and neurosurgery is the most scary for me. Thank you for sharing your success story. It really helps people to see the rollercoaster you were on.

Best share of 2020, I think!

Lots of love to you all,


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Everyone must appreciate this news. Thanks for sharing. I live for these moments.

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Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed watching the news video, glad he’s doing well now. I have an AVM and aneurism in my occipital lobe, my second choice was Gamma Knife, so I went with it 5 months ago. I get checked in March and if it hasn’t changed in 3 years and doesn’t bleed, I will have the craniotomy.

I had a re-read of Michael’s articles and one has gone AWOL and the other has been reserved for subscribers but I found this one on the Cougars website. Michael clearly had quite a tough time of it but it sounds like he’s done great: