I view some of your postings and you seem like a positive person but even positive people can have bad days. I find that laughter really is the best medicine. I laugh at least once a day. I am thankful to be alive but sometimes I mourn the person I used to be. I am a firm believer in the laws of attraction (thoughts become reality from the book the Secret). When a negative thought pops into my head, I say cancel cancel. It’s goofy, but it works.
I really liked what Wendy wrote about laughter and having bad days. Thanks Wendy!
Remember this. Anyone can write a song. But the trick is to listen to lyrics that mean something to you and that have the ability to change your emotion for the better if just temporarily. I'm sure that person that wrote that had good intentions but it irritates you! Everyone on this site has lost something and its definitely not a reason to smile. But it's all relative. Including the music out there. It's what you choose to do despite it all that matters, at least that's what I've learned so far. ::::: stepping off my soapbox now :::::: Hope you're feeling well. :)
Julie....thank goodness we have you to make us laugh.....because we can't smile though our heart is breaking every day! Words of wisdom....wait....it probably will take me a month or two to remember one!
I understand how you feel. For me it's "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow". Geez, sometimes it is enough to make you want to scream. How about reverse psychology? Like, let's see...Are you familiar with The Smith's? (showing my age, I know.) Try listening to that for a while. My persnal favorite is "Girlfriend in a Coma" (yes, that's an actual song). If you can listen to The Smith's and not come away feeling pretty darn good about your life then I'm coming over and bringing the whine. And a gallon of ice cream!
ugh im going through the worse heart break and i wear my emotions on my sleeve....like really smile i feel like shit...lol i almost threw my alarm clock out the window ..oh and lets not hear love songs.
Sometimes i wish i didnt care but i do and its so hard to shake off... sorry i have no words of wisdom just a broken heart :/
Want to hear something funny? I will tell you either way so I'm unsure why I even ask...I had to learn "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" on the piano...but at the time, I thought that Little Orphan Annie was the bomb.
Regarding The Smith's, I just heard that one tune on the radio...it was considered the "Stairway to Heaven" of the '80s. I'm obviously not exactly fluent in The Smith's, but a person who I considered a good friend of mine and her now-husband are way into Morrissey and The Smith's...their wedding dance song was even by The Smith's.