Specialist about brain AVM, pregnancy, delivery and medically assisted reproduction


I am looking for a name of specialist who could answer some questions about brain AVM, pregnancy, delivery and medically assisted reproduction.

I had a brain bleed due to an AVM when I was 18 years old, I got an 80% embolization, angiography showing that the AVM had disappeared, then suddenly an angiography showing that the AVM had regrow, then it was removed by surgery. My last control (5 years ago) showed no AVM anymore.

Today I would like to talk to a Dr. (H/she doesn’t need to do an intervention) who would have some knowledges about patient who had AVM that were 100% treated and who got pregnant years later. I want to ask him/her what are my risks and other questions based on his/her experience or knowledges of the research.

I don’t mind travelling or doing consult by video, I just really need to find the right person to answer these questions.

The doctors who treated my AVM previously don’t really know about this topic so I am quite desperate.

Thank you so much in advance !


Nice to hear from you, it has been a while. My suggestion, would be first stop a neurosurgeon, I think they would be able to assess the risk initially in risk associated to the AVM and any ties to pregnancy. My guess would be if 100% removed by craniotomy as confirmed by scans, the risk associated to pregnancy connected to the AVM would be similar to general population. Once confirmed I would carry on with the other specialists. It may be tough to find someone confident in al areas you ask. Ideally you surgeon refers you to another expert in the field. I am in Canada and have great nurse practitioners that will help us navigate through the specialists while they take care of the general health side. Just my thoughts, John.

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