Hi Jack!
I mean, I’ve always been kinda spiritual but when I first got to know about my AVM (non-ruptured) I was 19 and the doctor scared me so much sounding like I could drop dead any second!
That really left me broken and questioning life. First I was “paralysed” and I don’t even remember much of that time, partly for being in a very unhealthy relationship as well. Then, at another checkup the doctor told me that we have to do something about the avm (they left it untreated cause of its size and bad position in the brain close to the motorics and senses of my left side) I got another wake up call.
“Why am I so sad of possibly dying when I don’t even like my life, nor live it as I want?”
So yeah, I took off. Lived on a island in Asia for almost a year. Camped and cruised around in Australia another year, visited California and South America (I’m from Sweden so it’s kinda always been a dream to visit Cali). And boy, have I lived, laughed and cried!
For me, now, I see my AVM as a blessing in disguise. I found my peace and I know who I am now. I believe in something higher, I believe in us humans (we just need to wake up and believe in ourselves, in Source/God/our creator cause we are all micros of our macro). I found happiness, I found perspectives of life and how blessed I am. I’m an empath and feel so much for all humans and animals around the world, just wanting a good, peaceful life. We are all worthy that. I lived out my dream of travelling the world and I have no plans of stoping that (just a pause now… you know, covid and all…) so I’m studying at uni right now. The quarantining (which isn’t that much of a quarantine here in Sweden but Yeah…) gave me time to dive further into spirituality and finding peace. I’ll recommend “the Celestine prophecy”, a book I first read, if you resonate with all of this.
I know what you mean when you say that you don’t like the same things as before. Believe me, I was such a different person before all of this. Partying, fashion, high paid (and oh, so boring) job. I’ve left all of that behind me cause it doesn’t make me happy. It never did. You will find new interests that are far more… important and valuable I’ll assure you! It’s very lonely sometimes, being on the spiritual journey. But I’ll tell you, when you meet likeminded people - it’s so much more… real and pure than anything before.
… what I wanted to say was that I think that I partly healed myself because I’ve done a 360 turn and live a completely different life than before. I’m eating clean and healthy, I take time for my yoga and gym practice even if it’s a slow progress (radiaton therapy messed with my left side, but hey, the doctor said I would be in a wheelchair and I’m certainly not!) my relationships are way better and I try to think positive of myself and everything around me every single day, but most importantly - being grateful for my health and all that I have!
Sending you lots of hugs and prayers! Follow your dreams and take care.