Hi everyone!
I’m Christian from Germany. On 08th of December 2021 my AVM ruptured. It sat just under my right occipital lobe. After quite a struggle to be taken serious by the doctors, I was finally treated with an initial embolization and a follow up surgery in which they removed the AVM entirely and shut the remaining normal vessels via vessel clips.
When I was laying on ICU the chief neurologist came to give a visit. I’ve never seen him before, and as far as I know he was not directly involved in the surgery. I suspect him to be a narcist.
He took 3 minutes to tell me, that I might drop dead within the next years, as nobody knows how secure those vessel clips actually are. He even compared them to regular bread clips. In general he was extremly derogatory and gave me plenty additional psychological harm.
Well, now 1.5 years have passed and I kinda have just stopped thinking of all this.
I actually have quite a normal life, as my neurological damage basically just consists of a minor loss of my visual field, that i usually can compensate. I have no pain, or motorical impairments or anything like that.
But I’d now like to start with sports again. I want to hit up the gym, as I feel like it is necessary to prevent back pain and such, as well as would help my psyche.
But since told encounter I am really terrified to to anything that would raise my blood pressure. Non other physician could tell me anything about how such exercise would affect the blood pressure in the brain. I don’t expect to provoke another brain hemorrhage immediately when i would return to sports, but I am afraid that it might cause something similar in the long run. Maybe in 15-20 years. Basically I am afraid of something you could describe with “constant dripping wears the stone”.
Is anyone of you in a similar situation, or has something to say to this topic? That would mean a lot to me, as somehow no physician was able to give a proper answer.
And I got one additional question, which I ask you to answer in a sensitive way:
Do you think it is realitically speaking possible to live up to a normal life span, with such a vessel in my brain?
I was basically turning 27, when my AVM broke. Since then I am terrified that my life is basically 2/3s over. All those fears can be traced back to that one chief physician.
Thank you so much for any reply. I am quite glad I found this forum!