Stereotactic Radiosurgery V Gamma Knife

Hello Everbody, my AVM sits on the surface of my brain just above my left ear , I’ve had one seizure 9 monthsago and other than that I feel fine. I am 50 years of age My AVM is 3cm , in your options which is the best option for me Stereotactic Radiosurgery or the Gamma Knife. Thanks for your opinions Guys. Is there anybody out there with similar circumstances , or has anybody that has chanced there luck and left there AVM alone. Thanks

Hi, Dave, I think the reason no one responded here is because a doctor would be the best person to evaluate which type of radiosurgery is more appropriate for your avm. But to answer your other question, yes, sometimes a member decides after medical evaluation that the risks of treatment outweigh the risks of leaving the AVM alone, and that can be a valid choice. Not all AVMs rupture, and radiosurgery does not always get rid of seizures. But you and your doctor are the ones to decide your best option.