STILL finding a lack of acceptance

Thank you dancermom. I have taken Ron's advice on board and will be writting to me granchildren. You are right too, as the children will see through the drama; actually, I believe my oldest (Paige) is 9, and I'm pretty sure she see's it already!

Thank you Swami! Not many try to understand, not even family! Thank for Dear sis!!

Lesley, I sent you a message on this Site. Sorry I didn't get to get your Post until today. Send me an email or else a message on this site, as we just can't chat anymore.

What a great site AVM Survivors is! The love, support and advice my dear friend Lesley S Queensland has received in this discussion has really touched me.
I only joined the site last April to find out more about AVM after meeting Lesley. In this regard it has been invaluable to me.
It still makes me both annoyed and sad when I read about lack of acceptance. Many of us have an illness which can prevent us getting back to how we were but all we can do is keep fighting to improve and reach our maximum potential with that which God has thrown at us.
Thank you AVM survivors I too have an illness completely divorced from AVM but your wonderful site is helping me to more positive no matter what God throws at me and to enjoy each day as much as my shortcomings will allow.
You are so blessed to have Lesley S as one of your moderators as she is blessed to have you all as her lifeline. She is an angel, and without her friendship, support, caring and positivity I could not have possibly achieved the things I have done. Thanks be to God I met her by chance nearly two years ago here on the Gold Coast. Thanks again to you all for the positivity you have bestowed upon me.

I can only assume your son was upset at the time and ppl tend to be selfish at times without realizing how they can hurt others....i would shrug it off but make sure he never uses the AVM issue as any excuse as it hurts feelings.

If i took to heart the things some of my family have said or done i wouldnt be as strong as what i try to be.

Be grateful for what you have and im sure he is sorry he said that in the heat of the moment...lets admit as humas we say things in the heat of the moment that offend others alot.

God bless

You are not stupid,. Stay strong. After my first Brain embolization procedure, back in April of last year. I came home from the hospital to a letter from my ex's lawyer asking if she was still a beneficiary on my life insurance, in case I did not make it. All this did was made me fight harder. A year and half later I am still fighting but doing well.
