I had a successful coil embolization for my right ICA saccular aneurysm. They were able to secure the coils without a stent, so I’m off the blood thinners. I’ve had some vision issues in my right eye due to rerouting blood flow from my ophthalmic artery, but it seems be improving. My neurosurgeon explained that it’s like the freeway closed and traffic has been diverted to surface streets but there will be lanes added soon.
Aside from the vision issues and some infrequent headaches, you’d never know I’d had brain surgery 5 days ago. My incision is healing quickly and I’m otherwise neuro intact. A big thank you to Drs Reza Jahan and Charles Beaman at UCLA. They did an amazing job and everything went to plan. My net worth has gone up with six platinum coils in my aneurysm!
I’ve had my consult with the radiation oncologist, Dr Tania Kaprealian, who was super enthusiastic and made me feel as safe as the interventional team, and I’m getting scheduled for my LINAC surgery very soon. It will be staged dosing over 5 days.
Thank you all for your support. I’ll be checking in again after my SRS.