Surgery and recovery

I write this only to share what I've learned over the time since the surgery as well as who I am. Compared to some I've only been fighting for about 8 months which to those of you dealing with this feels much longer. I’ve always been an active person, the gym and eating healthy was always been a big part of my life style. Being on the streets since I was 12 teaches one how to be independent very quickly. This is no sob story, for I’m very proud of how I made it to this point.
First was the rupture of the AVM which not only filled my head with blood, but also bleed into my spine which caused the worst pain in my life. I couldn’t move an inch, all I could do was scream in pain. The surgeon said it was the equivalence of pain to a women giving birth. I sure do feel bad for mothers giving birth now. During the ride to the hospital I slipped into a coma. Not one doctor there new what to do. Thus I lost my respect for doctors and there words. So they shipped me to another hospital further south. I sat for another 3 days as my father fought for someone to do something. Finally one doctor caught the bright idea to do a CAT scan. That put them on their toes, so they drilled a hole into the front of my head to start draining the blood. Doctors told my father to start making preparations because even if I did wake from the coma I would be in a vegetated state or paralyzed.
Of course, there judgment was no better than a weather man. I woke, able to walk and not one deficit. 5 embos later, still walking and doing everything in the norm. My stamina was affected during the embos but not enough to keep me down. Then came the surgery to remove the AVM. As the AVM was being removed there were complications thus leading them to remove part of my cerebellum. Again I slipped into another coma and everything that could go wrong, went wrong. As I awoke, noticing one problem after the other. My sight was as looking threw a drunk persons eyes. Tremors coursed through my entire left side. My breathing was far from normal and of course balancing and coordination was out the window.
Doctors kept me hospitalized for another month, insisting I needed there rehab, which I say was useless. What a way to milk my insurance. So in order to get out I had to agree to see an OP rehab. So I went for a couple sessions and realized I could move along a lot quicker on my own, considering my background with going to the gym and all the knowledge I acquired from it over the years.
Only time I spent in the wheel chair was the time I was in the hospital. 2-3 weeks on the walker, and maybe 2 weeks using a cane. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t easy to push that far ahead, it took a lot of effort. The tremors made it very difficult to move along.
Here I am today, still off balance, my eyes still shake when they want, tremors have lightened up but are still there. I have no choice but to walk very slowly. The point is, if I made it this far so can you. Not everyone heals the same way so if it’s taking you longer. Just know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have left a lot of information out of this story. I don’t want to bore you, but I have done plenty of research plus what I already know about the body and mind. So If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them for you.

Hi Runner,

Thank you for sharing your story. Geese um!. . . You literally went through h___ and back. You are proof that it pays not to give up. :) Good luck on the remainder of your recovery.


Thank you Ben.

Don't give up. After my surgery I had weakness on my left side, walked with a limp, and had little speech problems, not to mention the horrible grand mal seizures I had for about a year. I almost lost my motor skills. It was a tough recovery but I am much better now. No speech problems or limping. I have little weakness on the left side and simple partial seizures but it comes and goes. Stay positive and may you have a speedy recovery!