The bill

hi there i am been sent to sheffield to get gamma knife done just waiting for opp by them as ireland do not have the equipment to treat the avm. my question is i was told that they would pay for it but but how ?? do i book the flights and pay for them myself and are they going to pay for some one to come with me ?? who do i contact inguard to this ???

thank liam , ye i think it must be the health services as i thaught that beauoment hos ere in ireland world org all that. Must get on to them and see can i get some questions was at the doc today not having goods days now , very bad pins and needles on the side of my face very weird feeling . how are you feeling

I will tell him you said hi if I ever meet him… you poor thing Liam how do you cope with having seizures every day is that not bad for you in same way ? and I thaught I was bad just getting sick and bad headaches all the time , Liam will the seizures wear off or is that just the way its going to be for you ? No no word yet from Sheffield … thanks for the link think i posted this on my page aswell …

Hi Emma
Iwas going to Sheffield to have gamma
But they won’t take me on as it is to big avm
Also got to many Aneurysms so they have put
Stent’s I hope no more just came out of Addenbrooks
Hope every think goes well for you
Love to you busybee. X