The Fountain of Youth

When recovering from my AVM I was a real mess like many
of you have been in the past also. There were things that
I was slow at and there were many things that I could not
do that I once could. This all goes without saying.

As I began to very slowly improve... the tempo of my improvements began to speed up for a time maybe from a year post operation to about two and a half
years post operation.

I began to feel in my mind that although I was aging on paper that in fact I was slowly feeling younger and
younger as my deficits receded. It was something that
I have never quite experienced before or since. I remember
talking to my MD during a normal appointment and telling
her how I felt. She smiled at me and seemed to understand
but I don't think that it was something that she heard every day!

Anyone else recall feeling like this? I don't feel this
way any more, but it was nice at the time!

Hi there, John! I'm happy to hear about how your improvements had sped up. It gives me hope, even though I'm nearing my seventh year of recovery. :-)

Now when you say that you've felt younger since your deficits receded, do you mean physically or persona-wise?
For me, I felt younger, persona-wise. My energy on the other hand is up and down. I'm not sure if it's the AVM or not.

Thank you, Leslye. I am not sure how to say this right, but I felt that my
mind was sharper, quicker, and clearer. Maybe I was not precisely back to
where I once had been before the AVM, but I felt like I was getting close.
Compared to how I had recently felt years younger than I had felt.

Oh, I just found in an old photo album a photo of me and my dog after I
was returned to home from the hospital, and it shows how dazed I was.
I will try to post that on here soon in place of my other photo.

Thanks to all for your interesting posts!

hope and excitement about getting back to normal makes you feel younger!

No problem, John. You explained it well. Even though you say that you don't feel that way anymore, do you feel you feel sharp, quick-witted and clearing more so now than you had after your surgery?

I'm trying to get there, through brain games, Sudoku, and reading a lot (trying to analyze what I read). Looking forward to reading more of your great posts! :-)

Thanks to Astra2012 and Leslye Wilson.

When I was back to work part time in 2002, I told a co-worker that
before my AVM I felt perhaps 6-7 years younger than my age, but after
my AVM I felt perhaps 6-7 years older than my real age. Today I feel
that I am closer to my real age. I am amazed that I am alive and functioning.