The Road to mobility

Hello, sorry it's been a while, but just a quick note to let you know how things are going, I'm stil walking on crutches, no really major distances, but the distances and frequency are imrpoving, but I think the most important news, is part of my gym program I usually do squats while holding onto something but in the past couple of times in the gym, I've been actually do squats without holding onto anything!, the first time I had my hands on the top of my thighs, but today I was able to do squats without holdoing onto my thighs, it was only a slight movement, but, it's a start!

That's about it, take care, see you soon


That’s great Shane! Keep moving forward – that’s all any of us can do!!

Wow Shane! You sound like you’ve come so far!!! I’m so glad for you…it can only keep getting better. Your hard work is paying off.

Hey Shane, your the man after my last surgery I couldn’t walk at all my whole left side shut down, I almost gave up but saw a painting that changed everything “christina’s world” it is a painting about a woman who was paraliyzed from the wast down and pulling herself through her farm to water her plants it gave me insperation to never give up now I walk with pain but the pain is just a reminder that I’m doing something a lot of people told me I would never do again. Keep fighting your story is an inspiration to me. thanks for sharing

Hi Shane,

Thanks for your progress report. It’s great to hear that you are continuing to improve.

Take care,
