Tiny pops in scalp post craniotomy


I’m 8 years post craniotomy for a large brain AVM resection.

For almost a year I’ve had certain “pops” in my scalp when making certain facial expressions, bending over, or just irregular movements. These aren’t painful, just very surprising and sometimes scary.

I have a lot of hardware, (plates, screws, and bolts), from the surgery that can be felt when running fingers across the surgical site. Neurologist said I should speak with neurosurgeon who doesn’t practice here any longer.

Sometimes, I suspect these are because of cold weather or changes in my scalp/skin being more taut. I can get a similar sensation when rubbing fingers around the bolts deeply.

Just thought I’d ask as there are a lot of folks here with similar hardware.

Anyone else have these sensations?

Thanks in advance.

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I was a gamma knife guy so can’t be of any help! I live in Manitoba and I have never thought of it before but I can’t see how weather would not play a role to some extent, here at least! You would think there would be some expansion and contraction due o temperature, particularly close to the surface. Really interesting, I will be consulting Dr. Google on this one! Take Care, John.

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I had those for almost 2 years after I had my craniotomy generally at the back of the head I think where the bone flap was connecting; like you said wasn’t painful just very disconcerting when it pops but it did go away just took a while


Hey Dick,

Ahh, yep, I’ve had those ‘pop’ sensations. My scalp, especially on the suture lines, was OMG sensitive. Like a high voltage zap. Both heat and cold multiplied the sensitivity too. I spoke to the surgeon and a physiologist about this and this was how it was explained:

The scalp consists of multiple layers, some containing nerves and blood supply. When they cut the scalp, they severe these connections. They then bring both sides of the wound together and staple the scalp together, but in doing so some of the nerves are exposed. When those exposed nerves are touched or stimulated by hot/cold, the sensation can be extreme. Those nerves are normal covered by the layers of scalp, which dampens the acute sensation, but when exposed… …WOW. I can remember trying to comb my hair, post surgery, HOLY, that was intense. Like I’d dragged an exposed high voltage cable from my forehead to my lower neck. You only need to do that once to learn to avoid that area :dizzy_face: :tired_face: :pleading_face:

I’d also get these ‘sparks’ of sensation out of the blue, with no external stimulation. They told me that those nerves that had been cut, were trying to reconnect and they’d fire to help identify each other, to reaffirm their connection. I wouldn’t call them painful, but very disconcerting.

There is also another condition called ‘Adhesion’. In very basic terms, just as the layer with nerve cells is exposed, facing out, some skin cells end up facing in. The role of these cells externally is to hold the skin together, but when facing in they grab a hold of the scalp, causing an ‘adhesion’. In some cases the body identifies the adhesion is in the wrong place and releases it or movement can break the adhesion, but in some cases the adhesion grows, getting stronger and tighter, pulling on the scalp. Hot expansion and cold restriction of the scalp can pull on the adhesion, add movement and this can cause a ‘pop’ sensation.

So, that was how it was explained to me. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t exactly happy about it, but I could accept their explanation and work around it, but if you have concerns you could always seek a 2nd opinion.

Hope it helps
Merl from the Modsupport Team

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EVERYDAY since my surgery in 2011 I’m forever feeling lumps & all weird feelings on my scalp… my neurosurgeon said it’s normal & certain things like weather etc does affect the area cause it’s never been or is made to be opened up… we’re the lucky ones who have this lol

My lumps change from time to time & some days are worse than others but I guess over time I’ve grown used to it… you can always visit another neurosurgeon with your concerns if that help eases any concerns or questions… God bless!


Wow. Thanks for these detailed explanations. They have helped.

Like you said, disconcerting! :grimacing:

The adhesion, crazy.

Again, these are great. I really appreciate your support.
I wish you well in your recovery.
Have a good one.


Thank you!
I understand about the areas never meant to be opened up.

There are those weird sensations too, where the area is numb or like a phantom feeling when rubbing your fingers across the site.

I appreciate this.
Be well.

Yes 100%… I still can’t really feel that area as it’s kind of numb after all these years but I’ve hit my head on a corner or somewhere right on the area by accident a couple of times & boy does that hurt… God bless!

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Ouch. Sorry to hear. Thanks.

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Have them too

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Yes! I felt the same thing after my craniotomy! It always felt so strange. My surgeon said it was from the titanium plate he put in.

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