Totally selfish question

Has anyone had the experience of having been treated by a physician-extender in a Neuro-surgical setting? My daughter recently graduated as Athletic Trainer and passed her certification exam (Never let a first grade teacher label a child as a poor learner.) She would rather work as a physician-extender rather than work with athletes. Physician extendors are usually Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners. For some reason, a large university medical center is specifically seeking an AT-C as physician extender We'd love more info.

Yes, I sound like a helicopter parent. But this "child" (age 22) had to grow up early b/c of my handicapped status. So I'd like to give her a little boost, if possible.

Thanks. You guys are great.I've thought it over and decided that just this once I'd ask for personal help. Just a website, or any info would be great.

Only one of the neurosurgeons I saw had an assistant. He was my Gamma knife dr. All of the others ones I saw only had a nurse. I do know of a lot of orthopedic drs. who have an assistant.

I want to congratulate your daughter for her accomplishment and for having such a loving mother (wink). What does a first grade teacher know anyway? The kids are only 6 years old. lol


I wasn't treated by my neurosurgeon's Nurse Practitioner, but she is the person I interact with most. Here's a link to my neuro's bio: As you can see, he deals with a wide range of neurological ailments. Nakaji's nurse practitioner took all of my information, was present and assisted during my neurological assessment during my first appointment, sends reminders about scheduling follow-up MRIs, and examines my MRI results with the doctor. She's the person I call to explain new symptoms, and she's the person who talks to me about what she and the doctor saw when looking at my MRI. It's funny because I think there's a stigma that "a nurse practitioner isn't really a doctor," but Tammy is ridiculously informed and helpful. I don't know what I'd do without her!

Congrats to your daughter! I wish her lots of luck!

Wow Eileen, I never heard of a physician-extender. I guess I learn something new every day. Before you read on, I have no helpful info about any of that. But I feel for you because I have a twenty two year-old daughter too and I understand wanting to help her out. Bottom line though, she can work anywhere (and probably has more info and contact with patients than doctors do) and the best bet is to get with a top ranked hospital, but you probably already know that. Let your daughter know that we (including me) are way proud of her and to believe in herself. It'll take her far. But she probably already knows this :J

My daughter just graduated from UVa and I've never seen so much money at the lawn ceremony (not just well-off but uber riche and the E is no typo) in all my life. Yup my parents are immigrants, and yes I’m first generation and that really shouldn’t matter but it does.

Congrats on all your daughter’s achievements. As a mom you must be very proud. But probably the biggest boost you can give her is to tell her to reach as high as possible, then tell her to stretch some more. Seriously, roommates aside, the biggest regret looking back is self-imposed limitations. There’s no reason why she can’t go for the very best and then some. :J

This is totally NOT a selfish question at all. I think it is wonderful that you want to get her more info and kundos to her for reaching for her dreams!

I did a search on this and found some information in this article that you may find interesting:
I think as an AT she would probably be well suited to work in an orthopedic setting which I am sure she would love.

I too am looking at going into the physicians extender route or even MD route after everything that has happened to me. I have wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember (actually wanted to be a pediatric neurosurgeon!) but in high school i hated math and chemistry so I decided to go into finance instead. I have a great job but in finance but i feel as though i have been given a second chance at life and I really should do what I have always wanted to do. I am looking into going back to school ASAP so that I can take my pre-requisite courses and then decide if I want to proceed with nursing and do NP or write the MCAT and become a 30 year old going into medical school :P