I have been fighting for the last few years for a way to get back to my surgeon to get surgeries since I have not had health insurance and I do not have the financial means to pay out of pocket for my surgeries. After five or so years of fighting for disability benefits and health insurance I gave up. I had been at a loss for what to do. My AVM has nearly tripled in size and it’s been about 3 years since I have been able to get a surgery. I haven’t been able to find work because my car has been tore up for over a month. This morning when I least expected it, I got a call from my doctors nurse and she told me that they have been working behind the scenes for months now trying to find a way to help me. And they have a program they have been working with and while it’s not 100% certain yet, they believe I will be approved by the program to get treated for free. Now I’m not sure if this is only one surgery or more, because I need multiple more, but either way if this works out, I’m so extremely grateful! I have been crying happy tears all morning! For the first time in a very long time I have hope, and I think I will make it through this. My only concern with getting more surgeries is having my pain properly managed. Because the last few embolizations I had, I was in complete agony for the first week, because I was not given adequate pain medicine. I hope that this time my concerns will be seriously addressed so that I can have a smooth recovery. Because the pain from my previous embolizations have left me utterly traumatized.
I loved your determination not to give up in one of your posts a week or two ago.
Never give up
I’ve learned that I’m a lot stronger than I realized. I’ve made it through way too much in my life to give up now.
First of all, Congratulations on your unexpected good news! Isn’t it uplifting to have something go right once in a while? ‘So wonderful to know that someone (your doctors & staff) have thought so much about you to go the extra mile to help!
Your recovery is to a great extent dependent upon proper pain management. After any procedure, return to optimal nutrition, rest, and MOBILITY is critical. Unrelieved pain often contributes to a delay in all of these and may lead to post-operative complications. When the time comes, be sure to explain your expectations.
Wishing you well!
Really good to hear! And, the fact that people are working in the background to help.
That’s amazing!
what fantastic and hopeful news! Have you tried getting a disability lawyer for apply for disability?
Yes I had a disability lawyer for about 5 years and I just had to discontinue with the entire process. My AVM has grown too much and I can’t keep waiting years and years for a possible approval from disability eventually.
@moonglow500 so sorry to hear it - its so shameful the way disability claims claims are processed.
That’s great news… hope it all goes smoothly… God bless!
This is so good to hear, I hope it all happens for you, and you have a better time recovering also. Best wishes <3