I was diagnosed in August 2012 with a right temporal lobe AVM which was a very low grade. 7 years later and 2 beautiful little kids, the cerebral angio showed no change in the size/grade of AVM, but increased headaches has been found to be a cause of venous hypertension. It’s been a year since we found out that pressure has built up in the brain, which according to my doctors are a result of the AVM and hormonal changes due to pregnancy and childbirth which may have triggered the numerous micro bleeds in the last few years and the subsequent pressure build up. Prognosis is I need to have embolization surgery to relieve the pressure which will “cure” the AVM.
Thing is, I can live with the AVM, but understand that the venous hypertension needs to be addressed. I’m struggling to reconcile why the hypertension cannot be treated without having to treat the AVM. I understand that my thinking is treating the symptom and not the cause, but like I said, I’m ok with that given the risky nature of embolization or a craniotomy and somewhat. The hypertension is what’s been causing the recent surge in micro bleeds and severe headaches. However, somewhere along the line I wonder if my docs saying it cannot be done is because they want to treat the cause (which I fully understand, but they can’t seem right now to understand where I’m coming from).
Has anyone had the same issue? Or know if venous hypertension in the brain (regardless of cause) can be treated non surgically, i.e. medication? I’m trying to get as much info as possible before I need to make this decision. Perhaps in other countries where AVM cases are higher, there may be another way to deal with the hypertension?
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