Verified Microscopic Bleed?

Anyone out there have a verified, microscopic bleed? I've had all the symptoms (fatigue, lack of balance and coordination, decreased concentration, short term memory difficulty, neck tension, pain above eye) of a bleed EXCEPT the WHOL. Symptoms were bad for 3-4 days but didn't feel near normal (whatever THAT is) for about 9 days. Coming up on 2 weeks and still feel a little "off".

I do! Had several microscopic bleeds...

I have those symptoms but I haven't been told that I've had microscopic bleeds. I don't know how they find them, I suppose the angio might have shown them but no one said anything. Have you had tests? How do you know if you've had them?

The doctors did a lumbal punction.

Because they couldn't see the bleeding on the x-ray.

HI, Hannahpoppe - Why did they do the punction? Did you have symptoms? If so, what were they? It took 17 days for me to feel normal(?) again.
My last CTA was in January. I finally see a new neurologist next week and I can hardly wait.
I've heard that microscopic bleeds can shrink an AVM, even cause it to disappear. If so, I am totally willing to go through a couple of weeks at a time feeling like an alien!!! LOL

hello karen, it seems like i am having all the
symtoms you are having except the neck pain
my avm is located on the right frontal lobe its 2x3 in cm as well
my last mri this past april showed no bleeding went in to the er for having two seizures
On easter. i can relate to the finance issues im going through that as well
But God will figure out the best route for you.