I have an AVM in my occipital lobe, and had an embolization procedure on Oct 26 09. I had a consistant migraine for more than a week afterwards, and have been having headaches since. I got a CT scan and they said everything looked fine. However yesterday I had a headache, worse than what I’ve been having since my migraines went away. My vision around the edges of field of vision looked almost like a kaleidoscope. It lasted for about ten minutes. Today experienced a similar headache, along with more vision issues. When I was trying to focus on something, I couldn’t see anything to the right of it (same side I had the issue with yesterday). After that went away I had the same issue that I had yesterday; the kaleidoscope-like vision around the edges of my peripherals.
I am just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if anything came out of it? I am just concerned if I will be able to drive once my year is up after my seizure.