Here are some of the AVM questions I had for my neurosurgeon.
Size of AVM.
Location of AVM.
Condition of AVM.
AVM feeders.
Venous drainage (if any)
Associated anurysms (if any)
Surgical procedure estimated length (time wise)
Recovery/rehabilitation/therapy (time wise)
Possible or estimated physical/mental/cognative limitations if any. (pre and post procedure)
Possible side effects (pending on procedure performed, radiological or craniotomy)
Pros and cons of procedure selected.
Current patient referrals.
Now,....specific questions for your surgeon/neurosurgeon;
How many times have you performed this procedure ? (experience counts)
Number of times successful procedure performed, compared to number of times total procedure performed. (% of successful results)
Medical school attended and any specialized training ?
Who was he/she trained by ?
Will this be performed by a "team" or associated medical professionals or "your team" ?
Are you experienced with steriotactic (ie. gamma knife, cyber knife),... AND,... invasive surgical procedures ?
Catherine,..take a note book with you and write down as much information as you can. Batter yet,..a tape recorder or a tape recording device. This way one can review the answers to your questions at a later date.
I have tried to think of all the questions I asked my Doctor, but I am sure I have left out many I should have asked as well. If I may be of any other service to you and your daughter,...please don't hesitate and ask, as I will be more than happy to help.