Welcome New Members- July, August, & September Continued

Hi everyone! :smiley: We have some more wonderful new members joining us, and I’m thrilled to introduce them all:

First up, @cheeseleigh from Kentucky, USA, is here supporting her mom, who had Gamma Knife treatment five years ago. They’ve just discovered that her AVM is back, and she’s hoping to find some advice and support as they figure out their next steps.

@mayowa, from Ontario, Canada, is a dedicated caregiver for a loved one who had an AVM rupture three months ago and is now waiting for the next treatment option.

A big welcome to @rosy from Jakarta, Indonesia! Rosy’s sister was diagnosed with an AVM last year and is currently recovering after SRS treatment. Rosy is here to connect and share support.

From Auckland, New Zealand, we have @kimychic, whose family is celebrating survival after a loved one’s AVM rupture and craniotomy. They’re looking forward to some community and guidance here.

@sanyaa from Delhi, India, experienced a spinal AVM rupture earlier this year and is preparing for an upcoming embolization. She’s excited to connect with others while awaiting her treatment.

@K8tT from North Carolina, USA, has navigated two AVM bleeds and is living with TBI and epilepsy. Despite the challenges, she’s grateful for the support she’s received and eager to connect with others on a similar path.

@armand19 in Illinois, USA, is weighing options for Gamma Knife treatment while adjusting to a year of big changes. He’s hoping to meet others who can relate to his journey.

@BAAS from Massachusetts, USA, recently underwent a craniotomy to address a large AVM and is now facing the ongoing recovery. They’re looking to connect with others who understand the road to recovery.

@ImLisa, here as a stepmom from America, is supporting her stepson through his recovery after an AVM rupture and stroke in 2020. She’s seeking advice and encouragement for their journey.

Welcome to @Seachange from Hawaii, USA! After years of migraines and a recent fainting episode, they discovered an AVM and are now exploring treatment options.

@barryt from Essex, UK, has had Gamma Knife treatment and is looking for advice on the next steps. I know our members can help him along his journey!

@talbrich from Virginia, USA, is here supporting his daughter, who had an AVM rupture earlier this year. He’s eager to learn more about recovery and how to best support her.

@Ahshan, a young patient from Haryana, India, recently had an embolization at AIIMS Delhi and is focusing on his recovery with family support.

Lastly, @hannah25 from London, UK, is navigating treatment options after an AVM diagnosis following a seizure. She’s seeking guidance on moving forward, especially regarding Gamma Knife treatment.

And let’s not forget @ange.banange from Pennsylvania, USA, who has been on a long recovery journey after an AVM rupture led to a brain hemorrhage and stroke. Nearly two years later, she’s here to share her experiences and find support.

Let’s give all of them a warm welcome! We’re all here to support each other, share our stories, and lend a helping hand. Have a wonderful week everyone!


Hi Friends, my name is Dave. I am 38 years old & from California. In 2018 my face went numb for 3 days and I was diagnosed with an Large right parietal Cerebral AVM. 11/18/2023 My AVM Ruptured, causing a hemorrhagic Stroke and a hemicraniectomy was performed. I was in a coma for 7 weeks. I survived and now i have some paralysis on my left side. I am here to share my story and offer whatever support I can provide to anyone. My AVM was surgically removed Jan 2024 by Dr. Arjun Vivek Pendharkar at Kaiser Permanente Redwood City, CA; scalpels and staples. I wrote a more colorful version of my story on medium.com which can be found here:

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Welcome David! It’s great to have you on board! How are you doing these days?

Your Medium story is on the colourful side, isn’t it?! And it looks like you’ve made some interesting decisions in life!

The one request I’ve got for you is that you largely keep the really bright colours on Medium. One of our objectives is that, while minors are not allowed to sign up to a website in the US under 13, we have said in our community guidelines that we aim for the language and content to be appropriate for anyone over 12 to read, see, etc. So if you’d be so kind as to keep the really colourful stuff on Medium, it’ll be great to share how you’re getting on, support others and get some fellowship on here.



I’m good, aside from some left side paralysis. I cannot move my left hand, left elbow, left knee, or left ankle. Being stuck in a skilled nursing facility isn’t fun either. I want to go home.

Can I say you’ve got the toughest deal! That is pretty much the hardest situation to be in as a young man (or woman), I feel. I tip my hat to you.

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Yes, its hard. I’m very confused with my life now. I used to be a tough guy…

Well, you’ve introduced yourself to a whole bunch of people on here, so hopefully we can find you some folk to hang out with online.

The forum has been relatively quiet over the summer. I’m hoping that with kids back at school and summer holidays drawing to a close, people have a bit more time and it livens up a little bit round here. It’s good to have you on board :+1:t3:


Thanks Rich; stay cool, Brother!