What are the effects & side effects of Gamma Knife & in how much time will it take place?

hi i m abhishek anand from India. Plz help me by replying

Hi Abhishek,
I have not had gamma yet; still weighing whether I should do that or surgery for my AVM. So perhaps you may want to follow the discussion already going about side effects with people who have experienced it.
I get the feeling that gamma knife side effects vary from person to person, and in severity. Some seem to get up and go to work and not suffer; some have side effects including focal seizures, brain swelling that may require steroids, and some have some cell necrosis over the 3 year span it takes to obliterate the AVM. I don’t think there is a lot of really long term research because they have only had Gamma for a couple of decades. I have only found one on the internet that studied 144 subjects for 5 to 14 years. Only 5 died, 14 had significant neurological problems; approx 75% had very good outcomes. (If I remember correctly -google long term effects of gamma I think is the way I found it)
I am wishing you well,

hi barb,
all the best for ur son, i’ll pray to god for him, he’ll be perfectly alright
actually my father had got AVM now he is alright. he go to his office regularly, infact we hv just returned from a marriege ceremony. my father is doing well, by the way he is 55 yrs old. So dont worry if my father can improve to normal then ur young son will definitely.
once again all the best
take care

Hey there , how are you ,
I can only tell you what i went through , and my experiences it has been a very hard few yrs since i first dignoised 2 yr ago , got the gamma knife over a yr ago , have had a bad yr , bad headaches tired not able to stay up or go off places just not able for it , i just came out of has a few days ago dident know what was wrong with me i was still getting sick and just in bad form so they done a ct a yr after treatment and found swelling due to treatment and some calsiatiated not sure how to spell it but its due to the gamma knife , so thinks have been very slow for me they say it will take 3 - 5 yrs before i get some recovery , so heres hopeing . best of luck with what ever you go through and it will all work out,

I have mine done on December 11th, so i will try and let you know of any immediate side effects.

I had the Gamma Knife procedure October 30th of this year for my AVM (non bleeding) and went back to work November 2nd - no problems at all. The week before that I had my aneurysm coiled. I’m still getting headaches from the coiling, but other than that, I feel fine. I’m not sure what to expect next, but was told the obliteration can take a year or two. I’m finding out a lot more about AVM’s since I’ve had the procedure and feel very good about my decision to go with the Gamma Knife. I hope everyone’s upcoming procedures go well…