Hope all is well with everyone. The wife is wondering if anyone has had an issue getting or finding a job after having a Craniotomy to remove an AVM? She is worried that she won't be able to find a job or anywhere that would hire her after having hers next week. She is hopeful that she can and that she doesn't have to apply for disability, which is something she dreads having to do at only 30. Thanks all for all the support and prayers.
Many, many, many people have returned to work -- either in the same jobs or new ones -- after neurological problems, including surgery to remove AVMs. My thoughts are with you, your wife, and your family as you go through this difficult time. My advice for her is not to look too far ahead right now -- just focus on getting through the surgery, and the recovery afterward, which may take some time and a lot of patience. Then she can see where she is and where she wants to go next.
Mike in Baltimore
I know some people here in my hometown. That had brain surgeries and either went back to work or started a new job with no problem. Once her dr gives her clearance to start working again. She shouldn't have any problems. Personally, if it were me -- I wouldn't tell them unless they actually asked me. As long as she is doing fine, I feel it's none of their business what shes been through. Please tell your wife to deal with it when the time comes. Now is the time for her to take it easy. I understand her concerns but, I think it's too early to be thinking about that now (wink).
If she ever does have to tell a new employer that she had brain surgery. I suggest she makes it sound like it was no big deal and don't tell them to much. Keep it light hearted and make it sound like there wasn't much to it. And let them know for certain that she is in good health now. I have a few friends who own their own businesses/small companies and I learned from them what could spook them in hiring someone. Most of those type of conversations came up when we were simply talking about my health problems. Like I said, they are friends of mine and I wasn't looking for a job from them, we were just talking and shooting the breeze. but,... I listened closely (smiling).
Good luck to your wife next week,
i agree that many people get back to normal life after surgery. There is always a job for everyone out there. Her main priority right now is getting surgery done successfully...God bless
You are absolutely right. Getting this done and over with is the first step. She is doing alright dealing with it and knowing she is going to have a scar on her head. Keep safe and well. Thanks Mike
Thank you for taking time to respond! She is ready to get this done and over with, she is more scared of the pain she will be in afterwards than the surgery itself. She is in good spirits but in lots of pain. Will let u know how everything goes. Best wishes to all.
I agree with you and right now we are focusing on just getting through the procedure and her recovery, it is just one of the many things she has brought up, and there are a lot. We will see where she is in a few months from now and go from there. Best wishes from all of us
It sounds like your wife is dealing with the reality of what is going on and trying to process how the surgery will affect her long term. Its so good to have supportive family, God bless you both! Help her come up with a list of things to do after she recovers. Have your daughter make her own list ofmommy time activities. I know work is an important issue, but if she starts seeming stressed, talk about planning a trip to thebeach. Or camping, whatever she’s into. Even though reality is the trip might be next year, still planning the trip can make everyone’s day a little brighter
I had an AVM removed from the left hemisphere of my brain way back in 1990, and after a full-year of extensive rehabilitation, I'm perfectly normal although I do have a severe limp due to the surgery.
I even returned to my former job!
I also heard of a lot of people returning to work. I know for me, I will not be able to go back to work and do what I used to. I am not ready to go back to work (which is going to be finding something different) yet... and i am 4 months post op today :) I could dwell on it and get depressed over it but I chose not to. I cant really focus on anything still so its going to take a job that is a "no brainer "hahaha BUT I do believe, adn know, that i will have a job again :)
I went to work (my first real job) after my surgery. It was probably a bit too quick after so took a physical toll. Take it nice and slowly, but it is good to be looking ahead as it helps having goals for recovery. (My surgery was different in that my CAVM was discovered at the time of a bleed or other severe symptoms so the surgery was planned well in advance.) From your intro I see that surgery is 5 July. I will pray for you - 5 July is always special for me as it was the date of my craniotomy in 2001.
I agree with Ben here. Most likely, your wife’s craniotomy is not going to come up at all during a job interview unless she brings it up, and I don’t think it’s necessary to do so. The next job I apply to, I don’t plan on mentioning it. Medical history is personal!
I will say that I felt it took me about 4 months after surgery before I felt confident in doing my job well, and only now do I really feel as competent as I did before the surgery (now being about 10 months). Part of that is medication, as I could tell a difference between just 250mg less on Keppra in my day-to-day mental activity.
But like everyone else is saying, focus on supporting your wife and getting her through a good surgery before you tackle the recovery stuff. Recovery will be its own interesting reward, as she’ll want to see what she can do and how soon. At least I did. Just make sure she takes it easy.