Hey Everyone,
I am just curious if anyone else one here has been told to not do anything that raises their blood pressure and have found out other ways to work out ? I am dying without exercise besides walking not to mention gaining weight that I definitely don't want. I have tried diets but without exercise it seems hopeless. HELP!
Not fond of the word diet. Try the word life style change. Several members are on the low carb lifestyle and others are experimenting a Palio way of eating! They have lost weight. Talk to your doctor and see if resistant training might be the way to go.
Hi Kim,
Yes, I've been told not to exercise because it may increase my blood pressure; however, since I have chronic hypertension and I'm 6'1, 255 pounds I was told I'm obese and I need to workout; what a catch 22. The only thing I've been able to do is walk as well; which is not the most rewarding thing when your only option is your own neighborhood. Based on your profile picture it appears you're a lot younger than I am (46) so I know how this must make you feel. Those without our condition simply don't understand the lifestyle change we are forced to live with. One last thing try not to dwell on your condition; it will lead to depression which also increases weight gain.
Please take care of yourself
I do limited yoga and pilates with some push-ups =( and plank =( If your doc. says avoid anything that increases blood pressure, maybe just meditation for now???
I just read Barbara's post...if your doc. allows resistant training, your PT might be able to show you some resistant-band exercise.
awesome ! Thank you sooo much !
I had a craniotomy done on 04/09, and a part of the avm was left out. Since then they told not to work up, or go to the gym. But I keep it asking and asking, my neurologist said that I can only walk and weights on 5 pounds. I was always going to the gym, and I missed a lot. Now I’m only walking and doing a little Weights (5pounds). He also said to avoid drinks and caffeine, anything that can rise high blood pressure. It can cause the avm rupture again. Hope. This can help you sincerely my friend!
I dont think they were specific enough with you. As my dtr would say " not helpful" Maybe call or email for a clarification. Being stressed can increase your blood pressure as well. Regular exercise lowers your blood pressure. Doing weights can increase blood pressure. Straining is clearly not a good idea or mountain climbing, but what about walking. Maybe do longer casual walks? Can you do things that raise your heart rate? They generally also affect blood pressure too. Good luck.
Hi Kim,
AVM rupture on 26 sept. Brain surgery about 14 Oct. I was told, while I felt pain along incision/sutures, not to work out. Before, I went to the gym, a lot. Now, I have been working out again, weights, cardio. Whatever. No pain. I would think, that if you have no pain, work out. But if DR. says no, I guess listen to them. What can I say. Good luck.
I,m no sure what to say Kim as everybody is advising you not to excercise?I was scared for a yr or 2 after my operations but 8 weeks after my 2nd operation i was playing squash again although my doctor wasn,t overkeen.I also wen,t back to boxing which i have been a member of for 15 yrs on and off then after about 2-3 yrs i decided to go to college on a Health,sport and fitness Higher National Diploma for 2 yrs and i earned a commendation for the best student in college both pysically and mentally as also my son was just born and there were complications meaning i missed 6-8 weeks and had to catch up again on my return.I have another minor health problem which restricts my exercise completely not related to my AVM but if it is operated on soon i plan to get back to 100% again within 6 months.I have never been advised not to exercise by my doctors although i think thats due to ignorance but i did phone my surgeon to tell him i was going to spar again and he said as long as i wore a headguard.Only thing i can say is i felt like you...i couldn,t have gone through my life without exercise so it was a risk i was willing to take and still will.Alfie
I know exactly how you feel. before my AVM I spent at least 15 hours a week at the dance studio then had to go to nothing. the only thing i found that seemed to help me feel better that my doctors allowed was yoga and pilates
Thanks for all your ideas and support ! I am happy that I have fellow athletes on here that understand. Some people just dont get how I couldnt live without exercise.
I had to stop going to the gym after 3 years and it hurts....i try walking etc but doesnt do justice most times. My advice is to keep the diet strict and stay active with high pace walking.
God bless
Yea Kim. I was told the same thing. I use to be a martial artist (6 years) and I had to quit because of it putting me at risk.
Julie has a good sugestion. Yoga is a good workout and it won't raise your blood pressure very much. Not to mention, it's mentally relaxing. :)