AVM treatment average costs

I haven’t seen the subject mentioned, so I thought I would try to see how much treatment would be for an cerebral AVM. If you know how much you or your insurance has paid out would you list it. Thanks

AVM embolization:_____________________________________________________

AVM gamma knife_______________________________________________________

AVM craniotomy____________________________________________________________

Just my embo’s added up to over $100,000…not sure about radiation yet, still waiting for that bill! Luckily my insurance covers most of it

between 5 angio with embo and 2 craniotomies it was around 750,000.00. This includes the initial hospital stay with the brain bleed and I think other misc eg. MRI, CT scan, etc. Son AVM free and no deficits priceless.

Thanks for your replt Rachel. I have often wondered about the costs involved. Since my AVM was a result of head trauma in the military the VA has been picking up the bill. The VA apparently doesn’t have a neuro surgeon that can treat AVM’s. so they have been farming me out to a local hospital and a surgeon from the University of Washington.

I am awaiting another embolization to be authorized, but I think the VA funds are running low for outside referrals right now.

Thanks Janice for your reply. No wonder the VA is dragging their heels in giving approval for another referral.

My two day stay at a hospital neuro icu was $115,000 for one embolization… Not sure what the insurnace settled on…

Thanks Mare.

Dewey Me and the wife was just figuring it up I’d say over 300,000 and 60 plus days in the hospital that would includes 7 or 8 angio with three embolization and a gamma knife throught in. She said I wasn’t worth it lol

I don’t know the exact figures but for 2 embo’s and gamma knife plus 3 angios and countless mri’s/cat scans i only had to pay out of pocket 230 dollars. Plus some co-pays but that is normal. I would say all of my surgeries so far have cost over 100,000 easy. I’m probably way to low

I know us in the UK sometimes moan about waiting times, me for one, but we don’t have to pay anything or worry about any costs. The figures are frightening!

So far through 6 angiograms, 2 embolizations and MRI’s it hasn’t cost me anything, but I am concerned now that the Veterans Administration might be dragging their feet on anymore expensive referred treatments. outside the VA System. Can’t say I blame them much.

I guess if Obama’s original Health Bill had passed I would be headed for end of life counseling by now. I might yet since the VA still has that in their care plan for elderly veterans.

Dewey I think your one of those people that they will have to drive a stake in your heart before you will leave lol . And as far as GOVERNMENT RUN… health care ! lol I will say no more LOL

Just wait until we get the bill for "Tax & Trade Bill and the co2 bill Obama is going to sign in Copenhagen. Of course the House is deleting the “Navigable” in Navigable Waterways, so now the government will have control over your backwater fountain as well as any and all water wells, cattle ponds, etc. Do you think the Government wants complete control of our lives? You betcha!!!

Gordon D said:

Dewey I think your one of those people that they will have to drive a stake in your heart before you will leave lol . And as far as GOVERNMENT RUN… health care ! lol I will say no more LOL

my crainie and 3 emos…40 days in ICU and the replacement of 36 units of blood came and 3.5 weeks in general ward to a grand total of a cost of $300,000 Aussie after medicare rebates…thank God the rehabilationcentre was covered by the state

That seems to be following along the same cost average that others have been reporting. I hope you are back to normalcy after all of that. I spent a year in the hospital while in the military and I know how it feels to be stuck to a bed and fighting bed sores.

Alicia said:

my crainie and 3 emos…40 days in ICU and the replacement of 36 units of blood came and 3.5 weeks in general ward to a grand total of a cost of $300,000 Aussie after medicare rebates…thank God the rehabilationcentre was covered by the state

Amen ! Dewey !!! some body get him a soap box lol I’d get up on one but this one finger typing is killing me lol

I fought and bled for our country and it really saddens me to see the way it is now going. I think they should impeach or fire everybody in Washington D.C. and put a stop to this rapid run to Socialism.

You got my vote

I just found this website/group.

My husband has an AVM and so far the hospital has billed out at just about $1,000,000 - yes, 7 figures. The insurance has paid about $300,000. The hospital writes off the difference as the “negotiated rate”

Here’s what the hospital bills: An angiogram tends to run about $6k, and embolization is anywhere from $16-35k, and the crainiotomy was about $100k. We still have the radiation to go through so I don’t know what that cost is. A one day single room ICU stay is about $30k, a shared low-level care room is about $3k. These are the rates for UC San Diego.

I just got a copy of the bill for my last angiogram and it was over $23,000.00.