What to expect after having gamma knife treatment

Hiya everyone I’m due to have gk for the first time I’ve read a lot about the effects after having it but I would like to know how it has effected you after having it and what to expect after having it, this would be a great help to get my head around things that I might suffer from after having it

Thank you


Hi Jodi -

First I want to wish you luck! I know that you made a big decision and you are probably scared. I am going for my second GK treatment on Friday.

I think that the GK treatment might affect everyone differently. It all depends on how much radiation you are getting. But, the basic things that you might deal with afterward are headaches and the pain from the four spots on your head where the Halo was attached to your skull. That part is uncomfortable.

I think everyone's experience is different. In my experience, my AVM is very close to my skull, so I lost a huge amount of hair about a month after my treatment. The doctors told me the radiation was coming out of my body and my hair decided to go with it. :) It took a long time to grow back, but I made it through. Embarassing, but I had to deal with it and I am still alive, so it was worth it.

Good luck to you and I hope all goes well!

Hiya there
My avm is at the back of my head which controls my right eye but on my scans it’s shows it close to the centre of my brain, I’m so scared as I have a 20 month old Little boy, when I went to see my consultant after having an angagram he has already referred me to another hospital for gk without even asking me so when I went to see him he gave me three choices after going thru them all in detail I said I didn’t want to make a choice now I wanted to speak to my doctor and family about it then he told me I was only able to have gk and all my details and scans had been sent to this other hospital which really annoyed me and upset me but the consultant at this other hospital was great but I’ve heard didn’t story’s about the effects of having gk like face swelling and feeling like you have lost your memory, I just want to know how it affects other people so I know what to expect but I know everyone is different and it can effect everyone different, but I’m very grateful for you writing bk to me.
I hope it all goes well for you on Friday xxx


Hi Jodi -

I am so sorry to hear about your situation. It is never easy when a doctor does something behind your back like that. But it does sound like you are in good hands. I have heard of face swelling too and losing memory. Come to think of it, I have had memory loss from all of my procedures, but I forgot to mention that ;) I know that wasn't funny, but sometimes we have to laugh at ourselves. Again, there is no way to tell what might happen to you, but trust that you are in the best hands and know that you have to take care of your situation. I think that GK was the best move for my situation and will be again, so I wish you the best of luck!!

Keep me posted! I would love to know what you decide and what happens!! Best of luck to you as well and thanks for the wishes.


I had 2 Gamma Knife sessions last year (June and September) and honestly I did not experience that many symptoms. I don't know if my memory was affected because it was affected to begin with as a result of my hemorragic stroke (Feb last year) and I was on memory meds. My hair fell out but not in large patches or anything. If one did not see all the hair in my clothes one would never guess that my hair was falling from looking at my head (no bald patch). I did get a feeling like a worm inside my head at the location of the AVM afterwards for a couple of months though. It was not painful, just weird. Ive seen other persons describe the same sensation. Definetly, for me at least, it was a really painless, simple procedure and I wish I had had it before my AVM bled!