Types of Avm's
CCMs and DVAs This category is for stories related to patients with Cavernous Malformations and Developmental Venous Anomalies, being lower pressure venous anomalies that may have their own approaches or concerns. AVM in Extremities Use the AVM in Extremities category for AVMs in arms, legs, wrist, ankle, hand, foot. Pulmonary AVM, Heart AVMs & HHT Group for discussion on pulmonary AVMS, also heart and HHT (hereditary haemorrhagic telangiaectasia) as these seem interrelated. Gastro AVM This category is for members of the GastroIntestinal Group to post stories. Stories posted here notify members of that group. Spinal AVM This category is for people with a spinal AVM to collaborate, share stories, find related stories. Brain DAVF This category is to help with gathering stories together for those with a Brain Dural Arteriovenous Fistula, as the classification and treatment of Brain DAVFs is sometimes different from other Brain AVMs. Facial AVM Pelvic & Uterine AVM Please use this group to share experiences, concerns, good news etc. regarding AVMS in the pelvis or uterus. I hope that by creating this group, it will help especially women affected to share concerns or give encouragement. Cerebellum & Brainstem I’ve created this space with a view to us collating information about AVMs in the cerebellum, brainstem, pons and any other deeper-brain AVMs, as often these are referred to by doctors as untreatable but where I feel I’ve seen information that some of our members have had successful interventions.